Seven years!
Yikes, today snuck up on me. I clearly started this blog before having kids, as a week out from Christmas now there's not a lot of hours remaining that aren't already spoken for.
When I set out on this whole blog thing seven years ago today I honestly had no idea how long I'd keep at it -- I certainly didn't think it would live this long (as I do actually have ADD). I'm still not sure how long it'll last, and no, it wont drop off the face of the internet at 9 years for those reading way into the picture above (I just really love Star Trek). At a minimum I'll keep the site alive as it's become a personal time capsule of sorts, chronicling not only a bunch of hobby projects and games but also some pretty significant life milestones as well.
I do intend to continue sharing what I'm up to with the hobby, as I make progress and find the time to post. I've never really been frequent with posting and I don't see that pace picking up anytime soon, but if I build/paint something that looks cool, or cool enough to snap some pictures of, I'll eventually post it up. In a way, this has become a small but integral part of my hobby -- getting to share & interact with such a great community and making friends from all over the world has been really awesome these past 7 years. What started as a personal hobby project log has grown into something far greater, and I just want to say thanks to all of you for dropping in and being a part of my little world of toy soldiers :)
Cheers and happy holidays!
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