
Eldar: Deeper Dive

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Over the past week, I've been able to spend some more time with the new Eldar codex digging a little deeper and challenging some of my initial impressions on the latest 6th edition book. The more time I spend with it the more I like it! It's a very solid 6th edition codex for a number of reasons, but the best thing I like about it (and what I've come to love most about 6th edition) is the sheer number of options it contains. Just as the 6th edition rulebook really shook up the way the game is played, each 6th edition codex continues that trend and pushes the game further away from the mono-build, mechanized spam lists of 5th edition (which was more than a little boring by the end).

Eldar: Initial Thoughts

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The new Eldar codex is the first 6th edition codex I've purchased so far, and I have to say that the new hardback format is nice. The higher quality binding almost makes you forget about the crazy high price tag for these new books. I honestly didn't mind the old softbacks, especially after I had all of mine spiral-bound at kinkos, but at least the new hardbacks can lay open on their own just fine.

Anyway, moving on to the actual content of the book... there's some really nice entries, some overpriced/overcosted entries, and a lot of potential combinations that remain to be seen.