
1500pt Local Tournament

Friday, February 22, 2013

There was a small 3 round 1500pt tournament over the weekend at one of the local shops I frequent. Since I have recently been working on converting my marines into a Raptors army, I decided I should take them out for a spin. This was my list:

Death From The Skies ©

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hey, speaking of copyright infringement... For all of GW's recent lawyer badgering over this book, you would think they would have done their homework before committing the same crime against Dr. Plait, haha.

Malifaux 101

Monday, February 18, 2013

So I finally had a reason to bust out my Terraclips set last week and it was pretty fun putting a board together for the first time. I will say that 2 boxes of the clips are probably necessary unless you're prepared to get creative with the limitations of only one box, but you'll notice this board is not regulation size (36" x 36") and we definitely could have used more terrain in general. But this was just a learning/introduction game anyway, so no big deal. Ideally, I'd add the Buildings of Malifaux set to this one, which is the Streets of Malifaux. Anyway, it had been a long time since I actually played the game. Too long, in fact. I ended up forgetting the differences between combat actions and casting actions, and how to resolve each type of duel.

NOVA Open 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

What a great weekend -- the Raven's won the superbowl, I actually accomplished some painting, and to top it all off I managed to snag one of those awesome VIP bags along with my NOVA Open ticket! If you want one, better register soon; I hear they are going fast. This could not have worked out any better as I had already decided on a KR bag for transporting my Dark Eldar, and of course am looking forward to attending the NOVA again, so win win!