
Season of Scenery 2023 - Finale

Friday, September 1, 2023


Here's everything that was painted last month.

I had an ambitious pile of terrain to start this challenge with, and I will end this challenge with an ambitious pile of terrain to complete 😂 HOWEVER, I did make some progress and have made some decisions on how to finish the rest, so overall I'm really pleased with the results!

The lighter primed Sector Imperialis terrain yielded a better result and painted up faster than starting with black primer -- more contrast and shows more gritty details, but I'm really pleased with the shortcuts that rattle cans provided on this one, and will hopefully have the final 2 big pieces painted up soon.

Pretty much everything still needs a wash and final highlight, but again just happy to see some color start to fill in.

I'm going to spray over the 3d printed eagle symbol on the 3d printed cargo crates as a next step to add some detail...

I still need to paint the headlight and add vertigris to the bronze, and even tho it didn't come thru very well I had fun sponge weathering this Servo Hauler.

The Deathworld forest pieces were the highlight of this painting challenge for me, and continue to spark joy when I see them on the table.

The crashed Aquilla transport terrain proved to be the most challenging as I waffled on color choices and spent way too much time on these to not have them completed... but I think I've settled on colors for the second transport. Like the remaining Sector Imperialis, I'm hoping another couple paint sessions and these will be good to go. Stay tuned for an update on these, and sorry I didn't take many pictures of these (they were NOT sparking joy lol).

Last up is some 3d printed scatter terrain along with some excellent hand cast barrels by none other than the organizer of this great hobby challenge! Dave's higher quality resin bitz help to obfuscate my lower quality 3d printed barrels 😉

Thank you, Dave, for organizing this challenge and helping to motivate me to get back into painting. I really got a lot out of this one so thank you!

Also, due to school starting 2 weeks before Labor Day, I was unable to make the NOVA Open work logistically this year, which I'm pretty bummed about... I did manage to catch most of the GW Reveal stream and feel pretty mixed about it overall; The Old World unicorn lady was my favorite reveal, followed by the dogs WarCry warband... but that was about it for me.


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