
NOVA 2022: Supersized Dreadfleet & Bloodbowl

Sunday, September 11, 2022


Seascape was 20 feet by 30 feet!

Photos & recap for the two main events I played in this year; Supersized Dreadfleet & Bloodbowl: Darkness Fouls.

Dreadfleet was my first event, taking place Thursday evening at the 2nd event hall across the street at the Renn. This was a nice room/space as half of the walls were glass and everyone at the Cantina wanted to watch our giant spectacle of a game. Huge huge props to the event organizer, Aaron, for making Supersized (up-scaled) Dreadfleet a reality! He faithfully scaled all elements of the game, made custom turning & movement gauges, Order cards, and the mission was a really fun mash-up borrowing elements from scenarios 10 - 12 from the original Dreadfleet campaign:

Everyone who walked by wanted to play! I really hope this event returns and with more game slots as there was quite a bit of demand despite not really advertising this one. Turns out I'm not the only nerd who loves this game 😂

My first 2 ships crewed by my Bloodbowl team


Turn 1.

Yellow Sub full speed ahead -- rolled boxcars twice for this order!

What a game! The Dreadfleet jumped on the win condition early, rolling to unload Warpstone thru the Vortex by like turn 3. Despite our best efforts, my partner and I could not shift that initial barge from the Vortex, resulting in a minor loss for the Grand Alliance, however fun was had by all!

Bloodbowl: Darkness Fouls

I didn't take a lot of pictures from Bloodbowl this time. Here's a shot of my roster, which was reused from the last Darkness Fouls event I did 3 years prior, just updated with the recent 2020 changes to Bloodbowl. This was a mistake as we were using the old 2016 rules, so my first game was spent unlearning my 2 week crash course with the 2020 rulebook lol.

Apologies to my first round opponent, who was a great guy and also playing Dwarfs -- I made some terrible decisions that first game but quickly learned what game we were playing by the end haha.

My second game fared a little better; I didn't make as many mistakes, had a couple drives surprisingly work out to take an early lead, but some slippery goblins were able to catch up and overtake by 1 touchdown at the end of the second half. Great game tho and lots of wonky turnovers for a classic Bloodbowl game!

Game 3 was just like game 2, except I was down the whole game until getting a lucky touchdown at the very end. My opponent's list was amazing and had a lot of really great options regardless of what was happening on the field. My opponent had a couple star players, Rumbelow Sheepskin and the giant Tree dude, a couple more Trees and the chefs halflings to round things out. I learned a lot from this game and the 2nd one, and decided I need to try a lower tiered team next time around myself. So be on the lookout for some Snotlings in the near future. Cheers!

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